Saturday, April 16, 2016

Bogus Collection Agent Harassment in Chennai- Helpline- 9962999008

Recently the collection agents from the bank raised to a new level, with bogus collection agents calling and harassing seniors and other innocent consumers in Chennai, coercing them into making payments on debt they didn’t even owe. And the worst is the harassment by the tele callers from the Bank. Now both legitimate and illegitimate collection agencies by cracking down on any debt collection or collection agency that refuses to play by the rules. Thousands of lawsuits against the bank and the affiliated collection agencies, accusing them of unfair and unlawful collection practices. The agencies, in “fictitious” names, undertook millions of automated robocalls “to threaten, harass and deceive consumers in attempts to collect debt the consumers did not owe to them, and in most instances, to anyone else. The collection agent harassment didn’t stop there. Victims, according to court records, were also threatened with arrest or having their wages garnisheed. Victims were also threatened with what were described as “financial restraining orders.” The Collection agency purchased various pieces of personal information such as dates of birth, Job information, names of other family members and employment information. The agents then, or so it is alleged, initiated calls to consumers in an effort to trick them into believing the calls were originating from legitimate collection agencies. Unwitting consumers were accused, in the robocalls, of having committed check fraud and were threatened with calls to their employers. In response to the unlawful debt collect harassment, many consumers released their credit card and debit card information, in order to facilitate payments. The consumers were harassed, threatened, and deceived as part of a reprehensible scheme to collect debt that was not even owed. In India many banking and non-banking companies are closed such as ABN Ambro Bank, Barclays Bank, Citi Financial ..etc. But fake collection agencies collect the data of the defaulters of the non functioning bank, illegally using hooligans who were under the mask of collection agency collects money illegally from Chennai peoples. There are a host of rules and regulations that collection agents must observe in order to pursue a debt legitimately - and consumers have certain rights under the Consumer Protection Act and the Rules of Reserve bank of India. Part of the problem is that old or problem debt is often sold to junk debt collection agency by other agencies without accurate or up-to-date information. All too often consumers are harassed needlessly for debt they have already paid back or debt they don’t even owe in the first place. Then there are the scammers who make random calls to consumers convincing them they owe a debt and to make payments forthwith under a barrage of threats. Seniors are often a target. The Author Mr.K.P.Satish Kumar M.L. is the leading loan defaulter advocate in Chennai Those who faces Harassment from the Collection agency you can call to the – TIDDA Helpline @ 9962999008.

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